TOW Some VERY Belated Birthdays...

Feb 23, 2005 23:41

I'd first like to start off by wishing a very happy birthday to...


AND, by sheepishly wishing very happily belated birthdays to:




Now that that's done (and Christine and Mark, please forgive me---I was having computer troubles throughout the month of January, hence why I didn't get them up there sooner.)

OK, onto new business.

Our basement is the buttery yellow color (I lost that battle, I'll just have to save the cottage look for when I get a place of my own---so like until I'm like 35) on a few walls, and we're still not done with it. Earlier today, Mom and I cleared away the area in front of the third section of wall, right where my computer normally finds its home. So, I'll probably be out of comission for a while longer. The basement does look nice, I just think that it's going to be way too much buttery yellow when it's all said and done. I should have been a designer. I do have a talent there, if only I could draw. However, I've discovered recently that I may be able to go on ahead with studying design and not have to worry about drawing properly. I mean, I believe that computer programs could evolve into being useful tools to aid in design to the point where, I won't need to draw. That's why I contacted the Art Institute (of Toronto) for more information on their interior design program.

It's something I'm looking into after reading that article about the social movement of post-undergraduate students who come home and live with their parents until they earn enough money to move out on their own, and how it is a result of the crappy job market. Which is true, I am finding, especially in the teaching profession. When I was in High School, that was the big seller for teachers-to-be: All the Baby Boom teachers would be retiring soon. But, since graduation, guess what? They're not. And now that Bush wants to do away with Social Security, they really won't be going anywhere any time soon.

There is new news on the teaching front...I got a call last week from the high school for which I hadn't subbed for before. They booked me for several days in March and early April, all for Social Studies, all for the same teacher. :-D This is the kinda substituting I can get on board with.

I'm actually progressing in my story. Mind you, there is still no decent plot, but I feel I'm doing a good job depicting daily life and such.

And, as far as bills and bill-paying goes I'm doing much, much better than I have ever in my life before. [YAY for filing and organizing!] I've always been overly careful with my organizing system, it just wasn't working for me anymore.

In all, I seem to be getting a better handle on things. Unemployment is certainly agreeing with me in some areas.

AND...[drumroll please]...I'M GOING TO SEE THE TARTAN TERRORS IN MARCH!!!! It makes up for not being able to see them in Canada, eh? Is it possible to drop 50 lbs in three weeks?


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