
May 29, 2008 15:03


I am a mess of anticipation. I walk around drumming on my legs or holding an invisible guitar pick in my right hand and using it to play barre chords on my thigh.

I have recently found out that all you need to do to get a band going is organise things. Oh, also you have to rock at writing songs, but it's alright, i had that nailed ages ago. (is awesome, to himself, he has one fan at least!)

I totes got an email asking for a stage plot. A STAGE plot. So, the places that the techies put my guitar crap and make it work. OTHER PEOPLE DO IT FOR ME. And another email asking for a demo cd. A DEMO CD.

So the rock train is about to leave the station, destination unknown, but it's wheels are slowly starting to gain momentum.

Speaking of which all arty friends! We need a funky logo, and anyone who can come up with a goodun can have a cut of merch sales yo!

WE are called The Herd Of Turtles -

We were looking for something with something turtlesy (obviously) but maybe a sort of tiki voodoo feel to it? I dont know, i am mainly pointing that request at amanda..... PREASE?

So soon enough i'll either know if i was meant to be a rock star or know why.

It's good to be James.
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