(no subject)

Jun 13, 2004 23:13

first of all i would like to say yall should be proud to have a good journal writer like me to even update cauz the way i see it i am greatness. (the people bow at will)
i mean think about it i update the days i feel need to and yall other people journals that i read i mean yall have to think about what happened back days i mean come on yall people who read my journal yall should thank me i mean i have to read your journals with miss spelles i mean i deserve some credit i mean i preview my entries before i post them i mean like i said im greatness and to all those people out there that think im saying im perfect im not saying that at all there are many ways to reach greatness. oh and by the way im greatness but there is someone greater than me. oh quiz time and shoutouts.

1) What Do u Think I Should Put On My Things before I Die List
a) compete in the tour de france
b) Meet The President of The United States
c) Settle My Score With Trista
d) Quit Drinking Mountain Dew

2) What is The Thing I should Put In This Journal
a) Style
b) Taste
C) Something Kool
d) Or Just Quit Updatin

Jenny- i don't know
Trista- Go To Hell and you have 3 days to respond to this challenge
Brian- Not Sure

Note: Trista This Setttlin The Score Deal will only take place inside a structure that neither one of us forgets. if ya want i will have it arranged. (lets out a fearful smile)

Trista Burn In Hell
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