(no subject)

Jun 04, 2006 12:01

So the word on the street is many people including myself were disappointed by the third X-men film. I think several things can be pointed to for the failure;

1. Brett Ratner: Ratner was unable to truly inept at directing emotion from actors. He was able to direct very decent action sequences, I think the film was great in terms of visual action but the complex emotional and political messages in the first films and some of the comic book runs.
2. Production team: The Fox production team wanted to rush this film out before the Superman film in some ways to punish Bryan Singer. Originally Bryan wanted to stay on but Fox didn’t want him to work on Superman so they tried to beat him out. The fox execs didn’t wan to deal with the first film and tried to kill it (thus why it is pretty short).
3. Fan expectations: After two great films we nerds expected another stellar film that was even better than before. It was hard to live up to the hype and with early fans hating Ratner it was hard to have an unbiased opinion.
4. Lastly some general bad writing. The film tried to cram too much into one movie. Dark Phoenix, Mutant Cure, larger Brotherhood, and politics. Inside all of this there were too many actors and too many characters. Many new characters were not even given time to expand.

Now here is my spoiler section of how I would change the 3rd film.

Angel, He really could have been a character to highlight the tension between accepting the cure or not. Showing a few more scenes surrounding his escape would have established some level of character development. Then when he shows up at the X-Mansion it’s like oh hi newb, when they could have had a few lines explaining why he came to the mansion and he could have shared info about his dad’s “Cure”.

Cyclops, WTF Cyclops a crucial member of the X-men has constantly been a minor player in the film. If I wrote the film Cyclops would have made a surprise appearance at the very end of the film and have him save the team. Then I would have had Cyclops have the final scene with Jean and not Logan. I would have had Cyclops try to use the cure on Jean then the Phoenix would take over and force Scott to kill her.

I would have also removed the Sentinel, fastball special, and several cameos like Psylocke.

Later I am going to add my theory of what X-men 4 and 5 should look like. Hey the internet is nothing if not a tool for geeks to bitch.
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