From Twitter 05-12-2011

May 13, 2011 03:24

  • 09:20:06: My favorite shoes ripped a huge hole in my ankle on the way here. That's what I get for looking cute at the office. #fb
  • 10:27:07: Rare moment: I'd rather be drawing. I honestly have no idea what my true vocation is
  • 10:59:22: "The equivalent energy the sun puts out in one day is equal to two earth's masses worth of mayonnaise." - #truefacts
  • 11:32:21: Why do they keep these places so cold? It's eighty degrees outside and I'm freezing to death.
  • 11:39:16: @ Ishdakitty that's how you win the game!
  • 12:05:22: I am freakin' bored, tired, pained and kind of ill. Today sucks.
  • 15:46:34: So this pain in my ass keeps getting new names... and getting more complicated.
  • 21:28:00: I really hate this. Just when I find a solution it gets worse, why do I have to put up with this?

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