I am feeling very talkative tonight

May 04, 2011 23:35

I want to tweet up a storm but I feel like I'm being annoying. I like twitter for the sheer randomness of it... I have a thought that crosses my mind? Up it goes on Twitter. I have a gripe about something trivial - Twitter again. Even when I have writing stuff to say there's a twitter for that as well! Twitter's great, but I feel guilt for filling up people's entire feeds.

Anyway... things I feel like mentioning that I might as well put here. 1, I am suddenly gripped with the urge to rewatch a ton of stuff I love. Short list includes the Silent Hill movie, Aliens, all the Gregory Horror Show DVDs and Spoony's FF8 review.

I have a pain in my ass that won't go away.

I was hungry so I ate some asparagus only to find it tasted like grass. Bad asparagus, but now I feel I can write from a horse's pov.

My P key is sticking because I ate a panini at Wired Coffee today and the crubs got in my keyboard. The Y was sticking earlier but I blew in it and now it's the P. I need another can of compressed air.

I got a check in the mail today and realized I have no jobs right now - only Threadcaster. Which is good because Threadcaster is all I want to do atm. I'm so close to finishing my first draft and I'm super nervous/anxious/excited about diving into revisions. Nervous because there's so much and I want people to READ it at long last -_-, Anxious because the sooner I am constantly afraid it's rushed/soulless/not good, and excited because I freakin' love revising and it's going to be a blast. I'm scared I'll edit it out of existence though and make it really short when I take out the pages and pages of pointless dialog I know is in there somewhere. My sense of conciseness is going to make it, like 250 pages and I didn't want to write a book that short, I want it to be substantial enough to stand up to the big boys... even though it's not a trilogy like all the bullys on the playground are making now adays. It's got room for prequels though... but I digress. When it comes to worrying about length, I guess I can always go in and add character banter, I'm good at that. I'll wait and see how trimmed it gets.

I drew a pic of all my Threadcaster characters with my new tablet on Monday night and now I can't stop staring at it. The love I have for my cast if overflowing, but I'm saving the posting of said picture for the big "I FINISHED THE DRAFT" announcement which I plan to be able to make by this weekend. Or over this weekend. Or at least by Tuesday.

Work is both fun and sucks then is fun then sucks again. Did I mention I'm a freelancer? Loving/hating certain jobs at certain times is art of the biz... but the good news is that I'm always doing something different, and the variation keeps me lively. Did I mention I'm in a talkative mood? I'm rambling.

Mass Effect 3 has been pushed back until 2012 and I am a sad sad sad krogan. Sad as a krogan without a hamburger... or at least a filet-o-fish.

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