X-Men Fic

Jun 22, 2011 06:37

Title: Practicality part 2
Rating: PG13

Pairing: Erik/Charles

Summary: Erik cast a spell a long time ago, and has only recently learned that he is in way over his head.

Part 1

Part 2

“Erik Lehnsherr-“ Erik would have said more, but in the time between clumsily apologizing and introducing himself Charles Xavier had pushed the hair away from his eyes. They were spectacular shade of blue. They sparkled with kindness and warmth Erik had seen precious little of. His mouth went a little dry.

A memory digging away at his brain refused to surface fully. He’d hesitated too long once to say anything else and offered a lightning quick smile instead. It was more like a flash of teeth. He sat back down and began perusing the notebook again looking for anything to write about.

Charles took this as a sign to start chattering. Erik could definitely see how he chased away his sister’s patrons.

“I usually don’t get to come in this time of day, but classes have a few more days left on holiday and I thought I should at least get some reading done,” Erik looked over at Charles surprised. He didn’t look like the typical student. His surprise must have shown because his new companion huffed out a laugh that made Erik’s heart beat just a bit faster.

“I’m a professor of genetics at the school in town,” His smile made his eyes crinkle attractively. Charles started taking off the scarf the writer had not previously noticed. It got caught on the strap of his bag and he had to wriggle a bit to get it loose causing his blue sweater shift enough to catch a glimpse of the skin covering the man’s collarbone.

Erik’s mouth went dry. His heart started pounding. His palms broke out into a sweat. That memory that had been hanging around suddenly broke through. With a sledge hammer.

“I-I’m sorry. I’ve really got to go. I’ve forgotten I have-“ Damn, what’s a good one “a meeting. You just reminded. I’ll see you later.”

Erik had shoved his laptop and notebook back into his bag, left his coffee sitting on the table and without even looking back offered a wave. He practically fled from the store. Erik could hear a woman starting to yell back inside, but he was far away from the store before it reached any sort of crescendo.

‘Damn. Damn. Damndamnshitshitfuckfuck-‘

Why did this have to happen once he’d finally gotten his life into some sort of order? He’d taken precautions. He’d made sure! Maybe it was a mistake. Of course. It had been a shadow, it wasn’t what he thought it was.


True Love Spell

This is not a spell to be used lightly. I left it to you as a last resort. Erik, please think very carefully before using this. Love is a glorious, wonderful, devastating thing. I would not trade you or your father for anything in the world. You’ve read of the curse, you know what love means for our family. But, this might not apply to you. I beg you Erik, be careful. Be safe.

Erik re-read his mother’s final entry in the leather notebook. Of course he’d read about the curse and how it passed through the generations of his family before it took his mother. He was the first boy to be born since the curse was first cast. His mother had written him about it. About how it might not affect him. He would not take that chance.

He knows now how his mother and father died. She could not live without him. His father was her one true love, and his death would have destroyed her. She chose to spare Erik the torment of watching. She’d been given enough warning, that dreadful beetle, and was able to put this book together for her son. She only wished she did not have to put her son through this misery.

He looked closely at her words. He was thinking this over even now. Had thought it over. He’d been thinking about it since the moment he’d read it the first time many years ago. He was eighteen tonight. He’d waited long enough. He never wanted to have to go through what his mother did. He wanted to be free from that sort of fear.

The bowl was clutched in his sweaty palms. He knew what he had to do. Make his true love someone so magnificent and wonderful they could never exist.

“I want someone with brilliant blue eyes, deep as the ocean.” He took a step toward the flowers surrounding him in the park he’d felt safe enough to stay in and plucked a deep blue flower and placed it in the bowl.

“Someone that has a smile I can feel from miles away, it’ll be beautiful enough to stop my heart,” Erik grabbed a petal from the pinkest flower he’d ever seen.

“Someone delicate yet strong. Someone who can understand me completely,” Two more petals were placed in carefully.

“Someone smart enough to know they love me, but dumb enough to stay. Someone who believes I can be a good man.”He chose a petal from a white rose climbing above the others, like it was trying to win in a race against the ones below. He had to make it even more impossible. He had to save himself from his mother’s misery.

“Finally they’ll have a heart shaped birthmark right over the collarbone.”

He was finished. He watched petals and flowers dance away from him and into the wind. It was over. There was no going back, no undoing it. He’d done what he’d always done and protected himself the best way he knew how. He felt lighter already, like his insides were being lit up. This spell was a weight off his shoulders.

Little did Erik know that not so many miles away as statistical values would have you believe a little boy with bright blue eyes, a lovely smile, and a heart shaped birth mark over his collarbone was smiling for no other reason than he thought someone might be thinking of him somewhere out in that great wide world.
A/N: Okay, so how is it so far? I had fun writing it, so I hope it’s just the least bit bearable. Also, I can't get it to let me post very long entries. It makes me feel silly.

x-men. erik.charles, prompt fill

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