X-Men Origins: Wolverine

May 01, 2009 18:01

Just got back from seeing it.

In short?  It's not as good as X-2 (how could it be?), but it's way better than X-3 (thank god) and I can live with that.

In long?  Well, pull up a seat.

The movie starts off really well.  I like that they included elements from the recent Wolverine: Origins story in the comics, and the relationship with Sabretooth was well done.  Liev Schreiber does a way better job than Tyler Mane in the first film, actually giving Sabretooth some menace and depth rather than just making him a stupid lackey.  Danny Hutson is a good replacement for Brian Cox as General Stryker, and towards the end he has a similar aged and gaunt appearance that almost makes him a dead ringer.  The web of lies around Wolverine is well explored (particularly in his relationship with Silverfox) and keeps some of the mystery that the character had in the original trilogy alive.  Some people complain this movie's too heavy on action, but that's what you need for a superhero movie.  Superman Returns proved if you just have them sit around and talk about their feelings it gets boring.  In the comics it's fine, but for movies you need to be a bit punchier.

Now the bad.  X-3 had a problem of stuffing too many characters in, to the point where they're either under-developed or serve no point other than for fan service.  Wolverine has a similar problem, particularly in the second half.  If they'd just kept it to Wolverine, Sabretooth, Silverfox, Stryker, and the rest of Stryker's team, I think that would've been fine.  But no, they have to throw in the useless cameos from a young Cyclops and Emma Frost.  Gambit is portrayed well, but he doesn't have much cool stuff to do either.  Why throw a character in if you're not going to develop them or make them integral to the plot?  You'll end up just tossing them aside and offending the fan base that supports these movies in the first place.  Not to mention casual movie goers (who outnumber hardcore fans but a substantial margin) will have no idea why we're focusing on these characters in the first place.  You know what kind of movies you end up with when you do stuff like that?  Mortal Kombat: Annihilation.

It's for this very reason I have my biggest gripe with the movie...the portrayal of Deadpool.  When I heard Ryan Reynolds was cast as Deadpool, I got excited.  If anyone can pull off a wiseass character like that, it's Van Wilder.  I was a little bummed when I found out he wouldn't be wearing the mask, but he's an actor.  He wants people to see his face so he can get some screen time.

Here's the thing though.  You've seen the commercials for Wolverine where they show the moments of Ryan Reynolds playing Deadpool?  Those aren't just the best clips they chose for promotion.  THAT'S PRETTY MUCH HIS WHOLE PERFORMANCE.  That's right!  Deadpool is in the movie for a whole of five minutes.  They bring him back for the climax, but by then he can't speak (so no wiseguy comments like the character is famous for) and then he's just shoved aside unceremoniously again.  LAME LAME LAME.  If Deadpool could've broken the fourth wall like he could in the comics, he would've looked at the audience and gone "This is all I get?  Fuck this".

The question now is where can the X-Men movies go from here?  There's been talk of a Magneto origin movie as well, and I for one support it.  Not only would it show the great story of how Xavier and Magneto end up going their seperate ways trying to accomplish the same goal, but it could also tie up loose ends of the original trilogy before getting back to the main storyline.  Like how Sabretooth didn't recognize Wolverine when they fought in the first film, or just plain undoing the lame and crappy ending in the third film.

I just hope filmmakers realize they have to bring their game making superhero movies nowadays.  We now live in a world where The Dark Knight can make half a billion dollars, and where a Watchmen movie can get made at all.  The X-Men movies have had as many flaws as they have strengths so far.  If they want to keep up, they'll have to step up.

This movie isn't The Dark Knight.  But it sure as hell isn't Batman & Robin.  Thank god.
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