Oct 25, 2004 15:17
Hmmm lets start with saturday since nothing other then my trip to canarsi really contributed to having a great weekends, first of all my weekends suck, i thought it would be better not even having a job...but it sucks no money n im even more bored. It seems that everything goes down when Im working and now nothing does... Anyways my trip to brooklyn was fun, havent seen my guido cousins in a while and on top of that aunts and uncles from my dads side it was pretty sweet. The food was amazing as always and I had a good time... Other then that my weekend sucked. School was such a blast today... no not really that sucked too as always. I wasnt tired today so i actually stayed awake, which was so boring cause i didnt even listen anyways. I dont feel good right now i dont know why but my head is pounding and it sucks. I got a call home from a teacher today which is funny because it happens all the time my parents dont even care anymore. I mean they do but i just dont get introuble anymore. Well i dont feel like typing anymore so yea thats it.