Good Times, Bad Times

Aug 27, 2004 23:45

Good Times!

I rented Spider-Man 2 and it is grand fun. I can't get past the Mysterio Press Conference of Lava (friggin' lava), but I did buy the Aerial Upside-Down Spidey Spinning Piledriver and it multiplied my enjoyment of the combat engine by roughly one million times. I Aerial Upside-Down Spidey Spinning Piledrivered an armored-car robber off the top of an obscenely tall skyscraper and all the way down to the pavement, and it was the most grotesquely satisfying experience I have had in a very long time. My Spider-Man is one heartless son of a bitch; I blame these, because it is both easier and more convenient than blaming myself.

I exchanged e-mails with a fellow who had been wondering where RECBT went; he now intends to sign up for it. Yay!

I Love Bees put some radio-play-style .wav files on the links page; I almost immediately recognized one of the voice actors to be the voice of Stormy from Sealab 2021. On the one hand this kind of reduced the immersiveness of the whole thing, but on the other hand it was really funny to picture. What tipped me off was that he reads the lines "you have another date... a blind date!" in the same way he read the lines "I'm like a little otter... a sexy otter!"; it's a strange connection to be making.

I can buy Tootsie Pops and Chupa Chups three for a buck. Yay!

A few friends and I got together and back-to-backed Kill Bill Volumes One and Two; I hadn't seen either of them, and they are both very good.

Bad Times.

It rained torrentially for over twenty-four hours straight; my car flooded and has yet to run since, which meant I had to have it towed back home. Grumble.

I couldn't go to the the Inward Eye concert tonight which I had been wanting to attend; this is due in large part to my car flooding and not running any more. Grumble grumble.

Classic cheesy '80s metal band W.A.S.P. was in town and I missed it. Too bad, that would have been fun. Man, I'm never going to get to see "L.O.V.E. Machine" played live. Unless FOZZY sneaks it into their live repertoire or something.

School starts in a week and a half; I've yet to buy my new books, sell my old books, cut the cheque for the tuition, get the gym membership or opt out of the medical/dental plan. I start my procrastinating before the school year even begins; I'm so fatalistic that it's almost admirable. Go me!
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