Apr 21, 2009 11:36
So I'm on a number of social networks but I am not a very social networky person. I feel I need to be entertaining or that I have to justify people bothering to look at my various pages.
A few of these social network things I have had for a while. I've been on them for a few years and situations have changed among people I know. Their jobs have changed significantly or their politics or their lifestyles. I have much less in common with some people than when I started the pages. Honestly on some pages, I think I speak or keep in touch with less than half the people I friended.
So, recently I started asking people "Why did you friend me?" or "Why do you still have me friended?" out of a genuine interest in why I am friended since I do not find myself crucial reading or all that entertaining as late. Also I assume their lives have changed since they do not really keep in touch.
Responses to these queries were usually to give me a simple reason like "because". Oh, well, okay. Well that's fine I guess; I do not think I am all that interesting right now but okie doke.
Some people though apparently freaked out or became highly offended. One person asked "I have never understood what your problem is with me anyway?" A couple people went so far as to UNfriend me on EVERYthing immediately.
Whoa! And Wow!
So, about a dozen people in, I stopped sending these things out.
ETA: I've been replying to comments by phone, so formatting might be off/weird