Saturday morning cartoon

Jan 05, 2008 10:44

Today is warmer, it is raining, and after all that snow and cold, it is very slippery out. There's an over cast. The snow is very dirty. The place looks dingy, especially in those neighborhoods down town that are dingy all the time anyway. When you drive through the really old part of down town, old houses in the city, the kind that have no front yard and are right there on the street and there is 2.3 inches between each house on the block, the area is very clammy and dingy. The people there are clammy and dingy and kinda creepy.  Poor whites and poor blacks are really very much the same kind of people, but they segregate themselves and believe themselves to be very different (along with many observers). There are little differences. The houses in poor black hoods tend not to have enclosed front porches. But they're both hard to live with. They're both inconsiderate, loud, mean spirited... but they segregate themselves based on their outward physical characteristics. There is more talk of "white flight" and "the brain drain effect". Mixed neighborhoods are harder to maintain, since the bad people seem to be harder to live with than ever before. Perhaps this is the price for popular culture having lowered standards. Popular culture sets the example; and a bad example emboldens the vulnerable (weak minded a-holes), those who gauge their feeling of what they can get away with based on what they see society allowing for it's popular culture. The weak mind says to itself, "society is ok with me being this way, based on what I see in the popular culture. If not, they wouldn't allow that in my video games...".  But private enterprise is irrepressible. The lowest common denominator brings in the highest revenue.

When you deposit a check in the bank on Friday, funds are not available until the next business day, which is Monday.

There are as many versions to the story of Ben Franklin and his electrical notation as there are people telling it.

Yesterday morning there was a lady on GoodMorningAmerica who had to move because of death threats and hate mail and harassment because  she faked an essay for her  school aged daughter that apparently invoked the name of a soldier who died in Iraq.  People are claiming to be indignant over an effrontery to "our troops"; but they're behaving like slavering vampires who spend their lives just itching for an opportunity to descend on someone with infinite cruelty, with no humanity behind their eyes. They're getting their jollies at this opportunity to be infinitely cruel and hostile to someone. It's impossible for it to be more obvious that humans are only recently evolved from primates and are most closely related to the chimpanzee. Perhaps these ghouls spend their days stewing and stewing over being made fun of by the likes of Jon Stewart... One day a convenient excuse for them to vent comes along. Their fantasies consist of jumping up and down with cleats on the skulls of the smarty pants liberals who make them feel slighted, screaming and yelling with blood rage; so their attacks on someone who writes a fake essay about a soldier is a little out of proportion.

The Cat's blood sugar level dropped down to below normal, so no insulin for him tonight. 
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