(no subject)

Mar 26, 2008 07:27

The lunchroom dynamic is an interesting one. It's essentially racially segregated, with a few stragglers who will sit with anyone. Curtis is like that, so am I. There are Philipinos at one table, Sri Lankans at another, Nigerians and Indians. We all mingle of course, but I notice people do tend to keep to their own races. I've heard white people declare this as racism. Ironically, these people are almost invariably bigots themselves. It is reasonable to expect it I guess, the ease of communication and the familiaity of culture facilitate relationships. When first I started working with Moorthy, a Sri Lankan dude, I literally could not understand a single word he said and vice versa. But as time went on we developed a mutual understanding. That's what two years of working with someone does. When I think of it, there are many characters at my work. A short, chunky, bald Serbian dude with a gravely voice named Budemir (we all call him Budda). He's so hilarious. No matter what I call him out for, he waddles on out with a smile on his face.

Fuckin Irish, what di you do now? Hahaa
There's an air line leaking on the robot gripper.
An air line leak? What the fuck do you call me for, just fix it. Irish...
Look man the machine has been makin scrap the whole fuckin day, I just dont want to fuckin do that anymore so just help me out man, get in there and you fix that air leak, you fuckin dirty Russian. And take your time, haha.
WHat would you do without me, Serbia saves Ireland again, hahah.

But it's this guy Umesh that I think I like the most. He's this 38 year old Indian dude, who clearly hates his job. He always looks so depressed. But he's really funny. A lot of white people I work with won't really try to converse with Indians just because there is a communication barrier, which I can understand I guess. Buuut, I love talking to people. So I talk to Umesh all the time, because I can usually understand his thick accent now. I feel so bad for him, he came to Canada expectring something entirely different and now he's stuck between a rock and a hard place. Last night at lunch 1 am:

Do you ever miss India?
Every day man. Oh, not even day, every second I haha, every filing motion hahaaaa, oh mann.

He then went on to tell me that "These type of jobs" don't exist in India. Everything is much more laid back, the lifestyle is much different. I really like Umesh so I talk to him a lot, and now he thinks I'm a really friendly guy so he likes talking to me. As I walk past his machine to go to lunch he sings, "Jmim jimi jimi, azza azza azza!" I always tell him that when I'm rich and famous that I'd hook him and his family up so that he'd never have to work again. I wish I could do that, for some reason it feels like he deserves it.

I have decided that I am no longer going to use apostrophies in contractions. I find them unneccesary and cluttering. Besides, Cormac McCarthy omits them and quotation marks in dialogue, and it works brilliant! His books are BRILL!
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