What The F**k Theotormon???

Aug 25, 2006 16:18

Okay we all know that this is gonna be a spill on "Visions of the Daughters of Albion", so by all means if you're sick of it go find something else to read. If however you too are sick to f**kin death of Theotormon's whining and sh**ty antics of "Poor f**kn me!!!" then come on inside and read on...


I understand he's upset becoz Oothoon's cherry was stolen by Bromion and now he has to watch them in all their metaphorical bondage. (Kind of sounds like a movie I saw once). ANYWAYS!!! what the f**k is it in Bromion to keep whining over the past? Whats done is done, you can't change that, it's not like Oothoon went out sowing cherry trees all over town, she was raped! it wasn't her fault, its JUST HOW THINGS WORKED OUT! AHH! it really gets to me when people are still looking to the 5 minute romance they had in high school as their 'love lost'. It s**ts me when people are so busy living the life of a 12 year old that they can't be mature enough to say, you know what, f**k this, lets just get on with life. I can totally understand Theotormon's issue, so much, but I don't understand how she didn't will it, so what the f**k??? I know its 'because of the attitudes of the time, it was seen as the woman's fault' but honestly, wouldnt someone who genuinely loved her be comforting her???

Anyways, just to wrap this up:

Theotormon, I'd bitch slap you in a second if you existed........Ya dumb f**kn idiot!
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