Tours going great, Birmingham tonight. I think it's the 3rd - 4th? - gig here. I lose track because I'm that intelligent.
Just to save anyone wasting actual time reading this, I'm updating only because I'm bored. There's gonna be nothing interesting here.
'America or Busted' started..... last week? Possibly. Like I said, intelligent me. Maybe now some people will understand why Kara's a bad girlfriend. To me. I'm sure she's wonderful to everyone else. I should probably take that back because she might hurt me. But the backspace is so *far away*.
I should go do something productive. Like eat. I'm hungry I think. Or that writing I've been meaning to do. You know be productive.
But I'm lazy
So no.
I'm gonna play some some more San Andreas and be destructive instead.
Am stranded here in Colorado with the family from hell for Thanksgiving cheer at the homestead. Then I'm stuck in London pretending to want to see my brother and the brats. So not around much at all. From Sunday not at all. Seya later and all that.