Oct 22, 2013 23:20
Yeah - I admit that was a rough post a little while ago, but my brain has reset and I'll deal. I'm still not happy about it, of course, but I know Josh won't really abandon me completely. And I'll just have to find some other way to stay sane at work. =P
I got the Christmas push-out merchandise today - and corporate decided to send the Arts and Hobbies extras all on the same day. Sooooo... my department has had a couple pretty big walls of merchandise to work on over the last couple of days. It's been enough to keep me distracted. At least a lot of it was prepriced this time - and they are going to let me control the models instead of getting stung with a bunch that we can't move.
Brian was going to call me today since it was Reggie's first closing and so he would have some free time until she got home. But it turns out he tried multiple times to reach me and for some reason my phone never acknowledged him. So I didn't get to hear from him until later this evening, but at least I got to talk to him for a little bit. He said he'd call again tomorrow to keep me company while I'm at the Laundromat (which I am waaaaay overdue for!)
I've been hearing from a few people I've not in a while: Justin, Tick, Julie, Matt... Justin says he's wanting to come up to visit while Matt says he's wanting me to come up to visit. I need to try to reach out to people more instead of waiting for people to reach out to me. I just need to get over that feeling like I'm interrupting life. People will just have to deal with me interrupting them. ;)