Feb 24, 2013 01:19
I have something weighing heavily upon my mind that part of me really wants to talk out with someone. But there is a louder part of me that doesn't want to talk about it at all and just wants to bury it and pretend it's not happening. In the meantime it's like an argument going on constantly in my brain that's making it hard to focus on things. =(
So I guess I'll just leave it alone for now.
Today was my last day of work before Vacation Week #2. I spent most of today on my knees, cleaning the counter bases around my department. After an eleven-hour shift, I'm kind of worn out.
I'm going to try really hard this week to make an effort to do something social every day. I figure that probably means I'll only succeed on one or two days, but at least that's something.
Jason seems to have vanished again. I wish he'd stop doing that. It hurts. =\