Jun 04, 2006 16:12
I've been coming home a lot more lately and I think I like it...a lot. I get to see a lot of my good friends AND eat for free! I came home Friday evening and went straight to Alex's house for this birthday dinner/hang out thingy...it was good times. We watched Wedding Crashers with his family. I always find it so amusing when someone over 40 watches a movie like that with their children, especially the Mom. We know they understand every joke in there, as dirty as it is, but for some reason they still feel the need to say, "Wait, what just happened?" Oh Moms. After that I went home and stayed online for a little bit then eventually passed out...I think I did laundry as well. Saturday I actually got up around 10AM and went shopping with my sister! I love Joy, I can't imagine a better sister to have :). We went to Beauty First and I got more of my shampoo, hair product, as well as some burts bees garden tomato toner...god I love that stuff. From there we escaped the random downpours and made it to Somerset where Joy snagged a great deal on two pair of Steve Madden slipper shoe things for about $60. That's pretty good for Steve Madden. After that I went into the Apple/iPod store and finnnnalllly got an iPod. Granted it's just an iPod shuffle, but it will be great for running instead of carrying around my PSP like a loserface. You'd think I was done at this point but no, oh no, the Campbell family is notorious for guilt-filled shopping sprees. Granted I do have the money in my account for all that I spent...I really should be saving for Spring Break or other things. Anyways...I went into Hollister and bought a pair of jeans and a white polo. Everyone needs a white polo don't they? Well, I thought so. After that we went out to eat at Qdoba and finally I went home and studied some physics while Joy slaved away at Beaumont. Now, Here comes the real point of this entry....
As you may well know, I'm an extremely social person who loves to talk. I make friends easily and I'm pretty laid back in terms of what to do when hanging out with someone. While I've made many new friends since coming to college, I made very few REALLY good connections with people...aside from most of the people in PSP :). Well, I believe after this weekend I've added to that list and my god is it refreshing. To have someone that you can just sit and talk to for hours about everything and nothing without looking at a clock or thinking about anything else...it's just great. When someone has so much in common with you that it's borderline rediculous...well, that's something special. I dunno, all I'm saying is that despite my occasional negativity (which tends to only come out on LJ), it's great to have friends who really care about you and that give you meaningful advice rather than just a rehearsed speech. I <3 friends. I feel so much more like myself than I ever have recently because of the people I've surrounded myself by. Subconsciously I live by the golden rule...treat others the way you want to be treated...and I tend to get closer to those who live the same way. OK, well I've been rambling for a while now...so I'll cut it off.