No day but today

Oct 26, 2005 02:01

Have you ever thought you were somewhat intellectual then try reading a naturalist book and realize you're not? Well, I know I'm not a dumbass but I'm starting to realize how terribly lacking my philosophy skills are. I feel like I should tackle writing and philosophy classes because those are the only ones I'm truly scared of here at MSU (besides ORGO 2 and Physio!!). Anyways, back to the whole philosophy thing. For my graduation party a teacher of mine gave me a book which I've yet to seriously attempt reading until now. Maybe I'm looking for answers to life? Maybe not. Here's a quote I found intriguing.

"Through how many dimensions and how many media will life have to pass? Down how many roads among the stars must man propel himself in search of the final secret? The journey is difficult, immense, at times impossible, yet that will not deter some of us from attempting it. We cannot know all that has happened in the past, or the reason for all of these events any more than we can with surety discern what lies ahead. We have joined the caravan, you might say, a certain point; we will travel as far as we can, but we cannot in one lifetime see all that we would like to see or learn all that we hunger to know."
- The Immense Journey by Loren Eiseley

Now I'm not entirely sure what this passage means but from my interpretation it's saying we should be content in knowing that lifes greatest secrets may never be answered. That fact however should not deter us from attempting to find what we are searching for. Time is infinite backwards and forwards. Considering we did not exist just a few million years ago there is a great chance that we may not exist a few million years from now. That's about all I can come up with...I plan on reading the chapter again but so far I'm pretty perplexed. I like what I'm reading however, and I feel that I can take something out of it. Feel free to comment if you think you have any understanding or a different interpretation from mine.
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