Oct 27, 2008 18:10
Waoo waooO waoOO!!
James is posting an entry , can you believe it , wondering that you are seeing things ,
And moreover on deepavali ?
Just can't stand seeing my journal emptied for so long . and so contribution to be made to show appreciation to livejournal and my royal readers if there is any ? =)
What have been screwing up or lightening up my life for the past few months ..?
Lightening Up -Booking out !
Screwing Up - what i am in now. (DAMN)
And as for recently ?
Lightening Up -Field camp is over .
Screwing Up - Another Field camp is already on its ride . (DAMN)
Life is really boring , my days are just a cycle of repetition , nothing new could came out of it , not like I have the excess time to find something novel , something cool and get me hook on for a long time. Singapore is just a place lack of a sense of amusement which probably explain why the locals are griefing over the stressful days they had after work , cause nothing could be a remedies here in relieving the aching (mentally or physically) in them even after work!!
Last note : IF ONLY I AM IN US !!