Jun 24, 2008 19:37
A continuously BEEP covered the radius 2 km of my house , i was bathing and i felt annoying enough , imagine those who were still in comma , i believe they wish to hold a grenade and throw it at the culprit , missed the first time , throw away, missed again , continue to throw , stll miss , get down , off it . LOL !
The possibitlies of the cause .
1) Somebody was shot dead by the back while driving and lied dead with his head on the horn . familiar ? drama scene.
Oh ya , probably the car had crashed into the lamp .
2) The horn broke down .
3) The driver purely wanted to test how long can the battery last without turning on the engine .
4)Or some terrorist just wanted to test the patience of Singaporean, next time he will know how long to wait before striking . HAHAHA
Today at work was war , not just the number of bombards call , also the light went off 2-3 times at my workplace , a huge cockroach invaded my corner ,female colleague was straying air refresher at it , and me ? stayed back and watched in case the cockroach was afraid of me .HAHAHA . Please don't be teased by the air refresher , its works, the cockroach came out of its hiding immediately after each stray ! In the end , it suffered great torment , like 20 over hits by the newcomer/the other guy colleague , before his demise. Thats the reason i stayed back and not get involved with the cruel massacre . OMITOUFOU...
Will be leaving work soon and enter NS .