Mar 18, 2008 09:33
So, lately I've posted very very little on this journal.
I've obviously failed in my original goal of posting in it frequently, but I DID keep my other goal of not having any locked/verbotten posts.
So I've come to a crossroads of sorts with the whole thing. I don't feel like many people read my LJ, nor do I feel like there is anything very interesting there for them to read. This leads to a large lack of motivation, one of my primary flaws :)
As my writer's block slowly resembles the wall of china more and more, and a small stumbling block less and less, I ask you, people who currently read my journal, and all those interested in perhaps reading my journal to answer some of the following questions for me.
1 - Post Frequency: how often should I try and post? Daily? Weekly? Monthly? every so often when the mood strikes? (which in the past has proven to be very little)
2 - Post emotive content: Generally when I'm happy I don't sit on the computer and type about it, so it's often negativity lacking an outlet that leads to my posts, and thus my 75% (totally made up number) 'emo post ratio'.
Is this what you guys really want to read about? If not what about my life/thoughts are you actually interested in?
What kind of my post do you find interesting? Social commentary? general life funny ("the dog ate my shoe today, I knew by the lace hanging out his mouth ...") ? something else?
3 - (Last one I swear!) Post Maturity Content: Generally I don't post details of my personal life. In the past this was because while I feel I have little to hide, all to often my secrets end up being about someone else, and I don't feel comfortable 'outting' things about other people.
Lately most of the people in my life have informed me they don't care, for the most part.
So that leaves the question, what don't you want to hear about? What's over the line, MA when you wanted R or PG-13 so to speak.
That's it. Here's to my work comp's 50% failure rate not eatting this whole long thing ... *crosses fingers*