
Nov 01, 2005 08:20

100 Gayness, 135 Bisexuality, 85 Straightness, 0 Homophobia

Lil Miss Suckit
Congratulations! You scored 5!
You get down and dirty every once in a wild...I mean while. You have a knack for pleasuring others,but really let's face it! YOU GOTTA PUT ON MORE OF A SHOW IF YOU WANNA MAKE IT ON THE BIG SCREEN. Love every inch of your body just like you love every inch of anothers. Experiment more. I bet there's a horny and WILD BITCH just aching to cum out!

And the rest.

I sold a statue for a one night stand and then I pulled myself with a flower pot all for a hot guy. I'm 80% emo. The love I gave was the love I sustained. My perfect match is Kylie and our next sexual encounter is with a microwavable safe bowl. Hi James, you have no messages. I am a passionate kisser and I love to lick things other than my partners tongue. I am 54% straight - straight but enjoy boys on the side. My love life is going to suck for the next 4 years. I'd look better with a green shirt. I missed one poll question, I should look back and answer all questions before continuing. No I would not like to subscribe to that newsletter.

When dancing with a pair of my brothers pants, I turn on the TV and hump it whilst watching my favourite local television show. I then sit back and wait for my cousin to come over to have sex with me. It's not wrong because she's MY cousin.

I am a sexually active band geek. _daz_ is stalking me because he saw my picture and fell in love.. He is also prank calling me regularly! Look out, I am a radioactive squirall. I'm pretty cool! People look at me and think.. 'wow.. that person is cool!' I should use my position wisely and teach the dorks below me a thing or two. There's nothing like recruiting a cool person. My flavour is Chocolate.

J Jealous
A Appreciative
M Misunderstood
E Easy
S Skillful
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