Long entry..

Aug 25, 2005 15:25

Damn year 12 co-ordinator.. I had this SAC to finish - and it was afterschool. So I asked her for the sheet so I can finish it in the computer room. And I walk into the room and she says, "James, stay here and bring the sheet back.. don't go away with it or go home". She said it as if I'm dumb. I mean, the lowest mark I got in IT was a B.

And the stupid vice principals treat me like shit.. they say weird shit to me.

Like everytime I see Mr Moir, he's like.. "You were late today, did you miss the bus?". And he says that all the freaking time.. he knows damn well I live 1 minute walk from school, not even 7 houses away. Fucking hell.

What else.. oh yeah. I hate when teachers and staff embarrass you in front of the whole class. It's happened heaps of times, the teacher asks me a question and I get it wrong.. and the teacher goes all sarcastic and everyone laughs at me.. what kind of fucked up teacher is allowed to do that to a student?

And when I'm on the computer in the media room, the teacher keeps telling me what to do as if I don't know what I'm doing.. I know shitloads about video editing software and multimedia.. I even teach the class new things sometimes.

I don't even know why I'm bragging on about shit. What can I say? I had a dream about Sarah.. I'll tell you about it, it was pretty weird.

I don't remember every single part.

But anyway, in this dream I had yesterday, I rang up this girl I liked and it sounded like she was having a party. And some other girl picked up the phone and said, "Sarah's phone, you want to talk to her? She doesn't want to talk to you" Even though I didn't say anything. And then there was this picture of Sarah drinking alcohol, so I hung up the phone then picked it up again saying, "She doesn't drink.." but the girl I spoke to on the phone left the phone off the hook and I over heard the conversation she was having with someone else, and it was like they were about to have sex. And then it went for ages I was sitting there listening and then she said, "You're still there" and she picked up the phone and talked to me and started crying saying her boyfriend died and I didn't say anything. Then it went to the Channel Nine studio in Melbourne and Eddie McGuire was about to do Who Wants to be a Millionaire, so they asked people to leave the building, so I left saying, "alright, we're going.. my God" and then I saw Sarah and she wouldn't look at me. And for some weird reason I kept saying 'Coles' over and over and waving to her. Then I saw her friend, Guida and I said, "hey" and she was happy to see me. Sarah was on the phone and her mum said to wave to me, but she didn't. So then I walked over to her and she had this weird look, then I started crying while saying, "Sarah, don't hate me.. please" and it felt so weird. Then she went down some sand slide and I followed her, and this was all at some random place. So basically, the dream was about Sarah hating me and everyone wanted her to not hate me.. even her mum.

Then I woke up and called her and we were on the phone for 7 and a half hours. She really cares about me a lot and I know she'd never hate me, so that dream was just so weird.

7 and a half hours.. it felt so weird today, I got up at 8 o'clock and that's the time I rang Sarah the night before. And we were on till 3:30. So that's longer than a whole school day. I'll talk about it...

We were talking about our personal life and our past and that.. and I felt so sorry for Sarah for going through so much. I even cried sometimes through the entire call. She's such an amazing friend. But anyway, my cordless phone started beeping loudly for no apparent reason, so I thought the battery was going flat or something.. so I got the other phone with a cord and put her on hold to get the other phone in the garage. And when I was outside I ran to get the phone and then I ran into the lawnmower and it hurt so badly. I mean freaking hell; I can still feel the pain in my shin. Anyway, then I talked to her and we talked about other random stuff.. and then that phone started beeping as well! It couldn’t have been the battery because it doesn’t get used that much and it’s on charge all the time. So it beeped loudly every 10 seconds.

What I found weird with what happened. We both went to get food at the same time, so we said “I’ll be back” and that, and then when I got back, I picked up the phone in my room and I asked if she was there and she got back at exactly the same time I did. That was weird. And sometimes we say the same word… that’s weird. Like at Youth Group, we both said “chewy” at the same time.. it’s happened a lot. I don’t want to go on about everything.

I've typed too much.. Meh.
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