I have to say it was a good day. At work, I completed a project that we had thought might take the better part of a week in less than a day. I left work for dinner at the Highland Park Diner, one of my favorite places to eat in Rochester. Adding flavored syrup to a Coke is a diner staple, but for some reason I'd never tried any such beverage. Last night I felt like a cream soda with my Can-Am Burger, but since it wasn't on the menu I ordered a vanilla Coke instead. It was really, really good. For desert I had a slice of apple-cranberry-walnut pie, which was delicious; I may try to emulate it, but I'd need to buy a few pie pans first.
If you spend ~$8.50 on dinner at Highland Park, you can get a free ticket to the Cinema theater across the street, and Tom and I used our tickets to take in a double feature, Broken Flowers and Four Brothers. I was expecting the Cinema to be dirtier; not that the place is clean, but it feels more dusty than dirty, like all the faded things from your grandparents' attic that have been cleaned off for a yard sale. It looks like the place was built in the late 60's (guess based on color scheme and speaker tech), and parts have been torn out (like the floor and chairs), with the important stuff (chairs) replaced by more modern components. It appears that there is a cat living in the theater. I saw it mewing for some affection and popcorn in the row in front of me before Broken Flowers started, and I wondered who would bring a cat to a theater. Later the cat lost interest in the folks in front of me, and set out for greener pastures, mewing for other movie patrons. When the lights came on, I recognized the people in front of me, I had seen them walk into the theater before me, and they had not brought the cat with them.
Broken Flowers was good. I had read a review about it that was pretty negative about some plot points not leading anywhere, and it's now clear that the reviewer missed a lot. I had no expectations for Four Brothers, which closed out the double feature. It was awesome. It's a good action flick, but it's also really funny. Least-pronounceable segue ever:
Chiwetel Ejiofor. He's the villain in Four Brothers, as well as in Serenity, which opens today. I think the CSH crew is planning on seeing it at 10pm tonight, and I'll definitely attend.
I left the crutches at home today, and I'm b-boy limpin' all over the place. I need to be able to walk (and not require vicodin) in order to attend (and enjoy) the Autumn Festival of Ales on Saturday. Sunday I think I'll see about getting my ball drilled and trying to bowl while using both feet. The swelling in my right foot is odd, viscous. I can push on my foot and it will leave a depression that slowly fills itself in. I've got a post-surgery appointment Monday, where I'll get a professional assessment of my healing progress, and the results of the biopsy.