I've not updated in far too long, so here's a recap. If you haven't been able to get in touch with me for the past week-and-a-half, it's not because I was avoiding you: my water-logged phone finally died. I tried to get a new one on the cheap (-$25 on Amazon), but T-Mobile screwed me, and I just canceled my account. I'd already carefully dis- and re-assembled it to dry it (which was good practice for fixing the SK Josh found in a melting snowbank (which now works perfectly)) so I dissasembled it the second time in a rather un-careful manner, keeping only the sim card parts.
I've had my head only half-screwed-on the past few days, and haven't been able to keep my mind clear when I'm not busy. Today, though, I was well-focused all day; I churned out a feature that's been on the most wanted list for our flagship app for months in short order, and when I wasn't working on a particular task my thoughts were refreshingly uncluttered. It's good to be back on top of my game. The feature in question would have been completed months ago, but my boss is spread extremely thin doing nearly all of the planning of our new office space in addition to programming and occasional tech support. Our workload should balance out in a month or two, and then we'll really be making progress.
I pass the quarter-century mark on Thursday, and have already received two early birthday presents. The
Despair, Inc Demotivators 2005 Calendar will be a perfect addition to my new office, and my new
6.5" Shun Santoku is by far the finest knife that I have ever owned. I need to learn some knife maintenance skills, so I can feel like I won't abuse this quality instrument.
I should be moving in with Jared Lyon and Paul Sprauge before the month is over. They currently occupy 2 bedrooms of a 3-bedroom apt on Culver, on Cobbs Hill Park. I'm looking forward to living in the city and spending Spring in the park.
This week's agenda: Thursday E(eeee)than and I will be collecting our complimentary entrees at the Toad (followed by good beer), Friday I'll be at MacGreggor's w/ Fotios et al. when he turns 21 at midnight, and I'll probably introduce Mr Lindiakos to the Toad on Saturday, which is his birthday proper. I've been jonesing for Shanghai and Dibella's for a while - I took care of the former tonight, who want's Dibella's for lunch sometime this week? I'll take a super-long lunch break and drive to the one on Jefferson.
P.S. I dropped my wallet crossing the NRH parking lot and didn't notice it was gone for five minutes or so. I called my bank to cancel my credit card, and then Campus Safety to report it missing. It turns out it had already been turned in to them, and all the money was still in it. This made my day; it's the sort of thing I would do (and have done), but I don't expect other people to follow suit. Thanks for not stealing my money and/or identity, stranger.