Let me tell you, all is right with the world. For these ten minutes.
Top 5 albums of 2003 that I haven't even heard (I'm that indie)-
5. Longwave- The Strangest Things
I am pretty sure this record has great pounding bass lines. The video for Tidal Wave is one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen, and the song was okay too. So yeah. If I remember the next time I'm pawning the television I'll pick this one up... I mean it can't be more than like six bucks right?
4. The Stills- Logic Will Break Your Heart
I remember when I first didn't hear this album. I was cruising the Vice Records site trying to score some sweet DFA tracks when I noticed the video for Lola Stars and Stripes. I had seen the Still In Love Song video and didn't really care much (except for that rising bass line during the chorus- that is SICK!)... so I was honestly fucking floored when Lola proceeded to destroy the very computer chair I was sitting on. Yeah I lost three fingers but it was fucking worth it.
3. The Constantines- Shine A Light
"Can I get a witness?" The first record came out in 2004, but the second record came out in 2003. What? Crazy Canadians. Can't WAIT to hear this.
2. Some Girls- All My Friends Are Going Death
I really missed the boat on this one. All the fashioncore kids were going nuts for it back in 2003. I still haven't heard a god damn thing off it, but I just know its great. I mean, come on. Dudes from American Nightmare and the Locust? Not wearing masks? How could it not?
1. Das Oath- Über Alles Collection
Wow. Thats a tiny CD. Just kidding! The only picture I could find was smaller than all the others. Anyway, I realize its kind of lame to put comps/collections on a best of list, but everyone else seemed to do it this year, so why the fuck can't I? This is a comp of Das Oath's early seven and nine inches, all on one stupidly titled CD. Note to Coalition: Just because half the dudes in the band are dutch doesn't mean you can fag out on the album title. But I'm sounding too negative. I mean, check this out: "Killer new layout and booklet features all the lyrics and several unreleased, fully-charged photos!" I can't wait to tear this shit open and not listen to it. Just stare at the photos. Yeah. So, Riz said these guys aren't "fast enough" for hardcore. And that he could hear "something like melody." As if those are bad things. Ever listen to At The Drive In Riz? Well they're nothing like Das Oath. But I dig the new record (out stateside in 2004), so I figure I should check out this shit I haven't heard. Plus its from 2003, and I hear they were a lot rawer back then.
Alright kids. That does it. Back to drinking.