so i'm in new york now. jerry was right. there aren't enough females here to go around and i'm getting hit on left and right. but it's cool. i miss michael and this school is kicking my ass (it's extremely militaristic here) but at least i eat very, VERY well. imagine eating at a 5 star restaurant every night. and i'm not just talking about the exotic food that is being served to us (we are even waited on; glasses refreshed and everything;) from the ahi tuna, to the caviar, to the ox tail omelette for breakfast, to the chocolate fondant..., even the room in which we eat is beautiful. we are surrounded by mosaics and stained glass windows and we sit down to white cloth tables, fully set with every utensil imagineable. it's insane. i've become somewhat of a glutton i guess you could say.
so here are photos of my last few days in berkeley and with michael:
michael has a really serious crab phobia. so, being the wonderful person that i am, and influential mind you, i took him to the wharf and told the fishermen about his problem. they were happy to bring out a few live crabs and i got a crowd of strangers to cheer him on saying "go mike! you can do it!" so, peer pressure and what not, he touched the crab. then we bought a whole one and ate it. =) yay me!
michael took me out to Jazz at Pearl's in the city. it was a lot of fun. we even got a free meal at the bistro! it was their goodbye present to me. i love free food. as soon as i found out we weren't paying i ordered everything i had ever wanted to eat there. mmm!
my second to last day in my attic i believe. andrew made the three of us some kick ass masks fashioned from the plastic that holds gatorade six-packs together and hemp. we were sober mind you. then we went for a jolly good walk to top dog to have ourselves some weiners.
michael and i in our final hours. very, VERY sad. we were trying to enjoy our last glass of wine but it wasn't helping much. sigh. although the school doesn't recommend it, i'm going to try to do my externship in berkeley so that he and i can be together. he was accepted to study abroad in new zealand for a year but said he would turn it down if it meant seeing me so we'll see how that goes. for now, we just talk everyday and i'm going to visit him in forestry camp during my summer break and he's going to fly out here in august and in january.
well, now i'm in ny. there is my school (it sits along the dirty hudson river but it's still a beautiful campus) and this is my room. my roommate is pretty chill and she and i have our own bathroom which is nice. i remember the dorms in berkeley... i had to share it with my entire co-ed floor. it sucked when you had the runs... all the guys could hear you tooting. but it's okay now. so far my days have consisted of class (we can't go into the kitchen until we get food safety certified and all that other crap so right now i'm taking gastronomy, food safety, product knowledge, and math b. somehow i passed out of math a and writing without doing anything and went straight to b block which is good... that's three less weeks of school i have to pay for.), swimming laps in the rec center or running, eating a lot, sleeping very little, and that's about it. oh, and all my friends are girls! anyway, i'm going to go now. i hope all is well with all of you.
"Absence is to love what wind is to fire; it extinguishes the small, it enkindles the great."-- Comte DeBussyRabutin