May 10, 2001 01:04
okay, so I'm finally writing one of these things. Anything to please my public...
Lets see...I recently got a root canal. In all honesty, I think the whole process has gotten a bad wrap. It's not something I'd voluntarily do on a lazy afternoon, but definitely not the living hell I prepared myself for. Aside from having a slight case of "lewinski jaw", it's not so bad...
I'm getting a crown, which is sorta crappy. The gave me a temp crown, which is basically just some acryllic paint crud they sprayed into the mold and slammed into my skull...and rather poorly at that, since after a day I woke up with the thing rattling around my head. Guess I'll be in the shop sometime tomorrow.
With all this dental crap going on, I went out and bought the top o' the line Braun electric toothbrush. I've got 21+ year old friends who have never had a cavity, so I think it's about time I take care of myself. It's a waste of time and money to stare up at the pretty ceiling lights and my dentist's face, while listening to light FM. I'd rather be out rollerblading than feeling like the star of an alien autopsy video with a crap-tastic soundtrack.
On a happier note, I beat Metal Slug on one life (imagine a cartoony platform game where you singlehandedly take out a bunch of wannabe Nazi's in an anachronistic WW2 setting...plays like Contra) . Ah, it feels good to "see your enemy driven before you and hear the lamentation of their women"-Schwarzenegger in Conan the Barbarian. Sure, I'm a gaming dinosaur, but I can still give kids an inferiority complex after a thorough 2-D beatdown...and that, friends, is why I still play :).
Off to watch the Chris Rock DVD I rented from Blockbuster before it's due...