May 27, 2001 23:32
Me: Did you see that?
Giselle: what?
Me: That sports car just sped away and all of this black smoke came out of his tailpipe. It must have blinded the guy behind him.
Giselle: Is that even legal?
Me: It's like he's driving the fucking batmobile!
Giselle: The batmobile was environmentally friendly!
Me: Giselle, FIRE came out of the back of the batmobile!
not as good as usual since Giselle was fully awake...but, I'm contractually obligated to have a new entry every few days.
Bonus Section
Riddle me this:
What goes in white and comes out red?
answer: a vanilla shake dribbling down Giselle's chin after she got her wisdom teeth out.