Apr 15, 2006 12:07
I don't want to go back to school at all. I'm enjoying my spring break, and I dread going back to school!! School just isn't a good place for me. Who likes being surrounded by people who are nothing like you? And they pick on me and treat me like I'm the stupidest thing that ever walked the face of the earth! Some people are really stupid!! I'm just sick of being treated like I'm the plague. And what's really sad is that most of the kids that are mean to me are the ones that everyone considers the "nice" people. Just because I"m different from them they treat me like I'm dirt. What's up with that? I really do hate school. I just wish I could find someone at school that cares about stuff that matters. I just hate even being around them. I feel old when I'm around people like that. I just feel old because they act so immature. I'm immature sometimes too, but my gosh can they grow up just a little bit!!! And all they ever do is insult me!! They have to find something wrong with everythign about me. They make fun of my appearance as if they have something to be proud of in their own appearances. It's ridiculous. And they make fun of my personality too. They constantly tell me that somethings wrong with me. People ask me if I'm schizophrenic. And I don't even see where they get that idea? It's so stupid. I mean sure I talk to myself and stuff, but who doesn't? Now when people ask me why I'm talking to myslef, I tell them that I was the only intelligent person I could find to talk to. They seem to think that my life is depending on their opinion of me. Well guess what, it doesn't!!
sorry for rambling about crap that doesn't matter, but I'm just really dreading school!!