Dec 31, 2005 22:18
It's been a really short year, or so it seems. In a way, not much has changed, but in a way it seems like everything has changed.
My grandfather died at the end of last year, and it's been really tough not being able to see him anymore. I still forget, after a year, that he's died. We drive past the nursing home, and I want to stop and see him, but I can't. That really gets to me. I think it gets to all of us. we miss so much!! But I know he's happier now.
I had my first wreck this year, and then three more after that, but only one out of those three did a lot of damage. The first one could have killed us (me and my sister), but God was watching out for us, and we're fine.
We've had a lot of medical bills this year too. My mom broke her ankle, my dad had surgery on his shoulder, and I had my first short stay in the hospital (and when I say short, I mean short--I wasn't even there over night!! But it seemed like FOREVER!!) that I will actually be able to remember. I was in the hospital when I was little 'cuz I had asthma, but I can't remember that, or at least not very well. there are certain things that I think I remember, but I'm not even sure if there memories or just picturing things.
My best friend moved even FARTHER away that she was before. Now we don't even live in the same continent!!!!
I still like the same guy, he still doesn't like me back, but now he has a girlfriend, but life goes on.
I had a really nice vacation this year.
I've gone to public school for the first time this year. Weird, but I like parts of it--and dislike other parts. So far, I've managed to keep straight A's, but I'm worried about exams!!! OUCH!! lol Yeah, I really am sort of scared about that. So I'd appreciate prayers!!
I've become more buff. lol And I think I want to keep lifting weights at home, even after school, because I do like having a little strength. It's a nice feeling!!
I've gained a lot of weight this year. UGH!! But I'm hoping to lose about 20 pounds, maybe not that much.
This has been my first year of teaching piano, and so far, it's going okay. My students keep quitting, and it sort of hurts my confidence as a teacher, but I haven't given up on myself, and I don't plan to. BUt I am thinking this probably isn't what I want to do when I graduate.
There was a lot more to my year than I posted about here, but this entry is getting longer and longer and more boring by the second.
I hope next year rocks!! It's definately gonna be different!!
See your guyses next year!!