Aug 23, 2006 14:08
Hey its me.... I havent updated for a while.... School started back last monday and of course I didnt do today.... I already missed 2 days at the high school and 3 days at vocy! I just cant help it though if I feel like pure shit then you think that I would be able to go... I dont think so!! I mean yeah i guess I feel like shit about it because I really need to go more... the most I hate about it is that you have to have a stupid excuse and the offices bitches me out all the time!!!! I getta see George today so that will be good.... He has to take my car to get a exaust on it so I getta see him..... I really do hate vocy this time.... theres noone that I really talk to besides sheena but thats alright... Laura Beth asked me yestruday how long hs me an George been together and I told her almost 3 years and she said so you havent even broke up 1 time and really no we havent... theres not many ppl that does that... I mean yeah I have settled down and I am very happy about it.... I believe that theres not many ppl that can stay together that long and not break up but we have done it.... October 05 2006 will be our 3 year anniversary and I cant wait!!! but I'm gonna go!!
I ♥♥ George Cole