The Sound Of Silence Ch17/?

Jan 08, 2017 18:16

The Sound Of Silence
Characters: Dean/OFC, Sam/OFC, Alec, Ben, Dark Angel Crossover
Spoilers: None
Summary: Five months have past since the Winchesters took down Manticore. As Ben and Alec settle into a normal life they think their past is behind them. You can never run from your past.
This is a sequel to Horseshoes and Hand Grenades which you can read here. Or on AO3

Chapter One Chapter Two Chapter Three Chapter Four Chapter Five Chapter Six Chapter Seven Chapter Eight Chapter Nine Chapter Ten Chapter Eleven Chapter Twelve Chapter Thirteen Chapter Fourteen Chapter Fifteen Chapter Sixteen

Read More HERE

+ daddy!dean, character: renfro, + kid fic, genre: au, + wee!alec, character: ben, + wee!ben, + noncon, length: long fic, rating: nc-17, character: alec, timeline: pre-series, crossover: supernatural

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