Two weeks left!

Aug 20, 2012 15:01

Click the banner to go to the claims post.

Just a quick reminder that our summerfest is soon coming to a close, so claim while the claiming's good, if you haven't already. Claims will close Sept. 3rd. One of the mods will compile a masterlist around Oct 3rd, so you'll have an extra month to work on fills.

If you don't make it on time you can still post fills after the due date-we want all the fanworks we can get, so we'll take late over never-but they won't be added to the masterlist. We're all about making things as low-pressure as possible.

I think I'm going to go ahead and allow additional claims, too. There are so many delicious prompts and so few participants, so if you've already claimed something and haven't finished it, but you're made of the kind of awesomesauce that can take on more, go for seconds and thirds. Limit of three open prompts per person, meaning you can claim three in a row without finishing one first. There's still no limit to how many times you can claim when you're posting fills as you go.

Remember, you only have to write a minimum of 200 words for fic. You can also make art, vids, etc. for pretty much any of the prompts.

! mod post, .challenge: summer fest 2012, .summer fest: info/rules

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