Title: Addiction
Author: Bogwitch
Rating: PG
Pairing: Max/Alec
Word Court: 100
Spoilers: None.
Warnings: None
Summary: Max takes Alec undercover. No, not in that way…
Notes: Written for
candycentric and the
jam_pony_fic Summer Mini-Ficathon. This is my first attempt at a Dark Angel story of any kind that I’ve finished. I ran out of time to complete the two full short stories I started, so it’s just a drabble I’m afraid. However, I do plan to finish those stories at some point, so I’ll be back!
Candycentric’s Prompt: Your character is forced to attend a 'group therapy' session. Who and what for?
Alec ducks into her personal space and licks her along the lobe of her ear. His hot breath tickles against her skin and is enough to make her shudder, the slippery slide of his tongue sending clear signals to places Max doesn’t want to connect with Alec; not now, not ever.
“Shh,” she whispers. The group session is too public for her to slap him away, to let her anger out will break their cover and they need that disc of Manticore psych files in the therapist’s cupboard.
At least for now, sex addict isn’t a difficult role to play.