Title: Regret
Author: Crogos
Rating: T
Pairing: MA
Spoilers: Post FN
Warnings: Character Death
Summary: Family was all that Max wanted, but what happens when all that she had left, she drove away?
Regret A/N: Witten for the jam_pony_fic ficathon (I don't know if we're supposed to post them or not...?). For alyse, whose prompts were:
1. Max and Alec, first time. I'd like something slow and sweet, with the idea that first Max grows to trust him, then to care for him, and that the feeling is mutual.
2. Alec, Original Cindy and Joshua save the world! Preferably Max/Alec but I'll take gen :) Also, if you manage to get Normal saving the world alongside them it would entertain me muchly.
3. Joshua and Alec friendship fic, building on the idea that Joshua is the only one who really sees Alec. Again, preferably Max/Alec but it doesn't need to be in your face and can be gen if you'd prefer.
I think this is pretty angsty, I don't think it's exactly what she may have been hoping for, but hopefully you enjoy it anyways. Oh, and I chose to do a little bit of the first and third one. Unfortunately there's no smut here. There may be a rewrite in the future, but I'm just not in the right mood to write smut right now.
A/N 2: This is also in response to the Raising Hell prompt : "They say dreams are necessary to life."
Enjoy! Reviews are awesome too.