OVERDRIVE, baby!!!

Jun 21, 2005 17:09

Before you read on, please take note: this will be a very long post. Perhaps the longest I have ever written (not that I've written very many), and as such, I ask for only a few minutes of your time to examine the select few pictures I deemed worthy to be viewed by the masses of my trip to Overdrive '05!

Oh! Before you read on, let me warn you again, there is a lot of pictures of the magnums and shotguns. This is because not only are revolvers and shotguns sweet-looking and make loud bangs, but because my dad used the exact same kinds of guns in Alaska for protection when he worked up there. So it was really cool to show him these pictures and share training stories.

Crew 66 (nice tongue Amanda)

Just a few of the lovely toys they let us play with

Starring Nick Duffy as Dirty Harry (that's my magnum in the upper right)

Bang Bang, bitches. And check out that shell being ejected in the lower picture. Is that not sweet or what!?!

Those of you who know my Venture Crew alter ego will know I really suck at archery. On my third arrow, I hit the metal leg of the target and fractured the shaft as well as denting the tip. Although I did manage to shoot an arrow all the way through the target, as almost shown above.

What a magnum bullet does to a gallon container filled with water

The Magnum. Aka, "The Bad Boy," "The Big One," "Dirty Harry"

Me next to "The Magnum"

Me shooting said weapon. And let me tell you, the stories are true. It is as loud as a cannon and has a kick like you wouldn't believe. I was wearing ear plugs and ear muffs, and it still hurt.

A really bad picture of Wes shooting the .22 bolt-action rifle

Me taking a picture of Erin taking a picture of me with Amanda caught in the cross-fire

Little Nicky, aka Pimp Daddy Duff

Tell me this guy doesn't remind you of Gojkovich

Once again, the gang's all here. And might I say again, you have a very lovely tongue, Amanda

Now before some of you start to say "is that all you did at Overdrive, shoot things?" let me say that no, we did other things as well. There was a GPS scavenger hunt, as well as a COPE course, which involved getting over a wall, and tension walking on a rope. And before you start to say "why didn't you post pictures of these things?" let me say, because there are already too many pictures in this post to add any more, and because I didn't take any pictues of the GPS or COPE courses. Why? Because violence is SO much more interesting than following around a little black arrow for 45 minutes.
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