Feb 24, 2006 16:06
Well yesturday I got in touch with one of the owners of the big resorts here in Collingwood. His son runs the biggest home alarm business in the area and that is a field I have been interested in for over 4 or 5 years now. Apparently they are so busy and understaffed its nut around the office and they need to hire some new help. So I had an interview this morning and was all pumped up about it. I got there and the person the interview was with happened to be out so its put off till when ever I hear back from him, and blah its driving me nuts. Hopefully I will end up getting the job, being an alarm installation technichian would be pretty kickass in my books. I have had a girl on my mind alot lately. I suppose I miss her abit. We talked last night for a few minutes befor bed, instead of ignoring me she just came out and was honest with me for a change and I can't tell you how nice that was, and hrm maybe I do miss her more then abit =) She said she was messed up in the head and needed to straighten herself out. I can understand how since I was the main thing different in her life how she would associate the bad with me, but I've been gone a long time now and she still isnt back on track completely so maybe it wasnt me that was the problem. Well today I have been installing a new floor in my moms living room upstairs and the materials are alittle messed up and it is making the job one hell of a pain in my ass. It should of been a 3 hour job but I am only 1/3 of the way done after a whole day, and feel like I want to break somebodies knees. Heh if anyone wants to supply me with a knee to break I'll make it up to you somehow. I'm supposed to go have a pj party with Morgan saturday night, get all drunk, watch scary movies all night and then goto a Metric concert sunday night with her befor heading back to collingwood. In such a pissey mood right now I am not to sure if I want to go. I am sure I'll snap out of it, just been a rough couple of days. The other night I sat in the hospital with Sky till about 4 am. She hurt her foot at work and no body would take her to the hospital so she asked me to take her. Nothing better then sitting in a hospital all night let me tell ya lol. Well I should get back to work, not to much longer and I am done for the day. Soon as I finish up I can have a drink and relax.