Nov 19, 2022 02:29
- Пт, 07:07: RT @ brunapper: @ Vladimi82222415 @ Ver_teller @ SomersetBean @ SecBlinken Freedom by Vlad, Democracy by Che.
- Пт, 07:11: RT @ Kanthan2030: Both China and the US are centrally planned economies. Here’s the difference: 🔹In China, the government plans for an indu…
- Пт, 07:15: Надеюсь, и В ЭТОТ РАЗ Монголия нам поможет..
- Пт, 07:18: RT @ caitoz: Again, the most important thing for a westerner to understand about Iran is that it's none of your fucking business. The less w…
- Пт, 07:18: RT @ caitoz: The west is "helping" Iran currently with sanctions deliberately designed to foment a domestic uprising.…
- Пт, 07:24: RT @ aehunt: “Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted.” - Ralph Waldo Emerson…
- Пт, 07:32: RT @ GeoffYoung4KY: Twitter has suspended the account of Palestine Online, one of the most influential Palestinian news outlets on Twitter,…
- Пт, 08:04: RT @ MaryamFIran: Jardin botanique, Iran, Téhéran. 🌱🍁🌻 #Iran 🇮🇷
- Пт, 08:05: RT @ BhadraPunchline: MI6 undertakes covert operations to destabilise Iran, Russian and China, while MI5 spends sleepless nights worrying ab…
- Пт, 08:16: Сунак ХОРОШ!
- Пт, 08:23: Это ж надо!
- Пт, 08:42: RT @ Wasa17205976: Wasser predigen und Wein trinken 👇
- Пт, 09:09: RT @ Sseeji: Sarajevo, 1995, a mortar shell hit the marketplace crowded by Bosnians. The deadly carnage was telecast across the globe in all…
- Пт, 09:16: RT @ Vladimi82222415: @ Igor14280127 @ Nalekseeva81 А можно и наоборот.. С утра - весёлым, а к вечеру уже - ДОБРЫМ.
- Пт, 09:19: RT @ semper_vincit: On the fragments of the Buk missile found at the crash site, the number ended with 7379, which indicated that it belonge…
- Пт, 09:31: RT @ TanpersXkmy: Сварщица. Строительство Курской АЭС.
- Пт, 09:40: RT @ TanpersXkmy: 103 года назад, 17 ноября 1919 года, по предложению И.В. Сталина Реввоенсовет РСФСР принял постановление о создании Первой…
- Пт, 09:41: RT @ syed2000: BREAKING: North Korean missile is still in the air, nearly an hour after the launch was first reported - NHK #NorthKorea #Mis…
- Пт, 09:45: Капитальная сумма.
- Пт, 10:07: Грубо, но верно.. - от Витьки Наумовича..
- Пт, 10:49: Приметно раздражают и озадачивают
- Пт, 11:29: The Western trouble with the Chinese capital: it's not enough Jewish.
- Пт, 11:44: Почитать..
- Пт, 11:49: Фундаментально.
- Пт, 11:51: Не, русские обосрались капиально, конечно, но тоже имеет место быть..
- Пт, 11:56: RT @ wikileaks: National Union of Journalists: 'The CIA reportedly plotted to kidnap and assassinate Julian Assange - we demand his release'…
- Пт, 12:49: RT @ ArthurM40330824: Old video before this year shows how #Ukranian youth has been prepared over the past 10 years to hate and kill the #Ru…
- Пт, 13:01: RT @ Vladimi82222415: @ historic_ly They fought the Soviets? - They've got amputations.. and all that "women's rights"..
- Пт, 13:12: RT @ eshaLegal: @ briebriejoy @ rogerwaters @ historic_ly This is the true story of the two Germany's
- Пт, 13:13: RT @ _kamineko: @ RnaudBertrand @ ThirdCity2 The retired advisor of Helmut Kohl in a talkshow: "If we disagree with the U.S. on a serious issu…
- Пт, 13:14: RT @ KomkorCh: 118 лет назад, 17 ноября 1904 г., родилась великая литовская поэтесса, коммунистка, народная поэтесса Литовской ССР, лауреат…
- Пт, 14:33: one person followed me // automatically checked by
- Пт, 18:36: 19 октября - день Пушкина, а 19 ноября - пушкин день.. #этотденьвблоге
- Пт, 18:38: Выбор Френка от 18.11.21 - подумалось.. #этотденьвблоге