Пт, 17:36: RT @ G_Zyuganov: Выстроенная либералами экономическая система стремительно движется к коллапсу. 19 сентября 2021 года необходимо менять курс…
Сб, 04:10: RT @ caitoz: Can't get over how brazen the Biden administration is being in just announcing that it's their place to determine who should be…
Сб, 05:13: RT @ zei_squirrel: as che guevara said when he was asked about it on US television, the only thing cuba ever wanted from the US empire was t…
Сб, 05:29: RT @ ReginaIplau: Mark Pinkstone says the US has nothing to fear from the rise of China. China does not spread its ideology; and has far few…
Сб, 05:45: RT @ Vladimi82222415: @ glubokiy_boy There's a Russian pop-song.. Smth like: "I made him of what I had at hand And then I loved him.. - the…