yet, again

Jun 15, 2006 13:17

Ok,I got interupted last time, but now I'm taking more quizzes.

What's your inner power? (Girls only sorry. Beautiful anime pictures, lengthy results)

Uniqueness- Your inner power is Uniqueness! You are very different from everyone around you, and you like it that way. In fact, youd be furious if you were anything else. To the world outside you are a buoyant, fun loving person, and are probably pretty popular. Yet deep down you feel the urge to be accepted as who you are, and desperately want someone who is truly there for you. You are very indecisive and change your mind regularly over just about anything. Youre very opinionated, and bulldoze over anyone who doesnt share your views. At times you can be very depressed, though few people realise it with your animated personality. You are great fun to be around, and enjoy shocking people with your out there views and beliefs. At times however, your urge to be different can work against you, as people dont often enjoy their ideas of right and wrong having any shades of grey. But dont let them get to you; youre an awesome person who many love. You have no doubt heaps of friends, but dont always have that close friend/s that you want and need. You strive to be accepted for who you are, and are protective and loyal to those who earn your trust. Although at times you think there may be no one there, look around. There is someone in the shadows who desperately wants to be your friend, who maybe you just havent noticed. Dont let anyone get you down, youre the one who gives this boring world excitement and culture. Keep it up! Boy/Girl who will sweep you off your feet: Someone different and independent. Someone who isnt your typical male/female, who can accept that not everything has to be black and white, and yes, there are many, many shades of grey. Your stone/jewel: Amethyst Your power: Difference/Change. This is the ability to make a difference in the world, to create new ideas and opinions, and to open up the minds of others to show that there is more than one shade of grey. Your element: Electricity/Lightening A quote that applies to you: "Id much rather to be hated for who I am than loved for who Im not."
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Where was your soul born?[pics + detailed answeres]

Your soul was born in the Ocean.The true daydreamer. Your element is Water. You're calm and collected, just like Earth, but unlike Earth you love to daydream. You love to create a world of your own and just drift away in daydreams. You observe but you rarely interfere. You don't like large crowds, but you have a few friends and you're not afraid of making more as long as you don't have to take the first step. You're careful to pick your words and you hate to hurt people. You are very easily hurt yourself and if someone harms you or your friends in any way, you will probably never trust that person again. You need to face the world. You can't hide in your dreams forever. Don't give up just because something didn't go as you planned! More chances will come.
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Which MCR member are you? (restored pics)

Congratulations! You are
Gerard Arthur Way. G.Way (born April 9, 1977) of Newark, New Jersey (later of Belleville, New Jersey) is frontman and co-founder of the band My Chemical Romance and brother to bandmate Mikey Way (bass).Way drew the cover art of the band's second album, Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge, having graduated in 1999 with a Bachelor of Fine Arts from the School of Visual Arts in New York City. He then spent the next few years trying to work as a comic book artist before finally settling with Funhaus, a company which designed and sculpted Marvel Comics action figures for preschoolers.[1]In 2001, Way was trying to sell an animated television series to the Cartoon Network called The Breakfast Monkey about a Scandinavian flying imp who harnessed a special power called Breakfast Magic, allowing him to create and manipulate an assorted menu of breakfast food. (Cartoon Network turned down the pitch because they already had a food-related show in production, Aqua Teen Hunger Force.) Discouraged and wanting to move his life in a new direction, he found himself motivated to form the band less than a week after 9/11.[2]Let's not forget to rate!
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What Resides in Your Soul? (Anime pics, Accurate Results!!)

Depression resides in your soul! You are often sad, and feeling alone. You may be very critical of your self, maybe overly critical. You need to loosen up. You have people that care about you, but you seem indifferent. Your views of the world are different, not nessicarly bad, but real. You like to dream and get away from this world. You are creative and often turn to music to express yourself. On love, someone, most likely a friend, cares about you so deeply that they think about you each day. This person may be shy and quiet about it, but if you look, you may catch them gazing at you in school/work. When someone compliments you, you pretend to be indifferent, but it really makes you very pleased. If you try to open up, usually people laugh and say you are crazy. This is why you usually keep to yourself. Just remember, someone goes to bed each night thinking of you. Congratulatuions, and please rate!! ^^ ((P.S. This result was dedicated to my friend, the same friend the quiz is dedicated too.))
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Reflections of the Spirit?

You reflect the sadness of the spirit. You have been wronged by life and are troubled by spirit's journy, yet find strength in this. This is a temporary reflection and once time has past you will find that you have a new reflection and show others that they too can rise above their depression. Please rate high ;-)
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What type of beauty do you possess? (20 questions + 7 results + pretty pics)

DEFIANT BEAUTY - You are unique, original, and an individual. You are also courageous and ambitious. You are not afraid to take risks if it means you will gain something. You thrive on success and praise. You are a non-comformist and prefer to do things your own way. You also like to work by yourself rather than with a group. Your ultimate goal is to reach true success in whatever your chosen field is.
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What Kind of School Girl Are You? {Anime Pics in Results}

You are a Depressed school girl! You couldnt care less about life, school, or anything in your world. You often sit alone in your room and ponder why you are on this earth, and what your purpose is. You dont socialize, and if you do, it is only with people who share your same views about "life" and "destiny". You tend to badmouth a lot, and you are not shy about expressing your negativity to others, and you dont take any bull off of anyone. You are just a lone wanderer looking for some sort of answers to your questions, and until then, the darkness is your only companion.
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What Type of Person Are You? [pictures + detailed results]

The pessimist - The whiner

People in this category usually have a very gloomy outlook on thing in general, trapped within a dark mind. Most of the times, it is past events that has made them pessimistic. Most likely they lived through a few unfortunate events and/or hardships that made quite a large impact on them. Now they seem to believe they have been cursed with bad luck, for nothing ever do go their way.
Positive scenarios they gladly live through, but later proclaim them as a coincidence or shrug them off. Positive things never leaves them a great, lasting impression, and they tend to hold onto events which went badly. Pessimists are seen as "party poopers" if they were to voice out their opinion. It is not that they want to live life this way, but they found that life will be unfair whether they want it to or not. Therefore they have adjusted, albeit reluctantly. They want things to be better, but seldom do anything about it. Most Pessimists are passive aggressive, and never really want to try new things. Those will probably only disappoint them anyway, they think. Many things in their lives are a disappointment to them already. They stick to what's safe and tried, for they know where they have it.
Pessimists are truly negative, and may be prone to develop depression. They often feel life is hopeless and have little to no faith in both things and people. Pessimists usually stick to "their own kind", so to speak, and prefer solitude or the company of a selected few. As a safety precaution, they never expect much. That way they won't be hurt. Pessimists are usually seen as life's victim. But even so, they are not trying to change it either way.
Quote:"Any idiot can face a crisis - it's day to day living that wears you out." -Anton Chekhov

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What are You?! (Demon, Angel, Elf, exc.) ((Anime Pics))

You are a Demon! You are frightening, evil, but so entrancing. You spend most of your time plotting the downfall of others. Congratulations!
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What is your element?

You are DARKSomethings that represent you:a tortue chamber, blood
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What does your mind look like? (Cool Surreal PICS)

You are: On the edge of Insanity. Your mind has been pushed to its limit, and you just can't take the stress anymore! Be careful that you're not pushed completely over the edge...
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If Your Heart Were a Person What Would It Look Like?(Girl pics, sorry guys)

Your heart would be sad and teary eyed. You feel lonely and depressed. You cry a lot or have gotten past feeling. People wonder: why so sad?
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What is wrong with me?
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