It feels good to feel loved

Aug 29, 2010 10:06

So, it's 9.30 in the morning and I'm the only one awake in the house.
For DaddyDragon that's something usual, but not quite so for MiniDragon. But he was feverish at 6 am, I gave him some ibuprofen and now he's deep asleep, cool and quiet, and since I think he needs the extra rest I certainly won't wake him up.
I believe it's the first time in ages I got up just because I didn't want to stay in bed anymore :)

So, today I turn 34 years old, and well, I'm quite happy with my life.
I've been in love with a very unique man for 9 years, and we have the most charming little boy, with another kid on its way. We both work so we make enough money not to be constantly worried about it. We have great friends, and a great family. As I said, I am happy with my life.

I may have to give up my job for some time to care for the kids. I'd rather not, but seeing how much challenging it has become of late, I don't think we can manage the rhythm with two little ones. Well, we'll see :)
For now I will enjoy my birthday :)
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