Have you ever :
Been arrested? - No
Kissed someone you didn't like? - No
Slept in until 5 PM? - Yeah once, after a particularly nasty night duty
Fallen asleep at work/school? - Yes
Held a snake? - Yes
Ran a red light? - Shameful yes
Been suspended from school? - No
Experienced love at first sight? - Nope
Totaled your car in an accident? - But it was an old car anyway...
Been fired from a job? - No
Fired somebody? - No
Sung karaoke? - Does Singstar count ?
Pointed a gun at someone? - No, I wouldn't trust myself, even if it wasn't charged.
Did something you told yourself you wouldn't? - More than once
Laughed until something you were drinking came out your nose? - Yes
Caught a snowflake on your tongue? - Yes
Kissed in the rain? - Yes
Had a close brush with death (your own)? - Not yet
Saw someone die? - Too often to my taste, sadly.
Played Spin-the-Bottle? - Yes
Smoked a cigar? - No
Sat on a rooftop? - I don't believe so
Smuggled something into another country? - No
Been pushed into a pool with all your clothes? - Nobody pushed me, I tripped...
Broken a bone? - No
Skipped school? - Yes
Eaten a bug? - Accidentally
Sleepwalked? - To this day I'm still not sure
Walked on a moonlit beach? - Yes
Ridden a motorcycle? - Yes
Dumped someone? - No
Forgotten your anniversary? - Yes and no. We don't have any real anniversary.
Lied to avoid a ticket? - No
Ridden in a helicopter? - No, but I'd like to
Shaved your head? - God forbid :)
Blacked out from drinking? - No
Played a prank on someone? - Yes
Hit a home run? - Never really played base ball
Felt like killing someone? - No
Cross-dressed? - Means dressing like the other sex right ? Well, yes I guess.
Been falling-down drunk? - No. I was never really drunk.
Made your girlfriend/boyfriend cry? - I don't think so
Eaten snake? - No
Marched/Protested? - Why, in France ? What do you think ? Of course YES, I was still in high school :P
Had Mexican jumping beans for pets? - Errr... no
Puked on an amusement ride? - No, but it was close.
Seriously & intentionally boycotted something? - Not really
Knitted? - Yes
Been on TV? - Yes, a few seconds in the rear plan on the local news :P
Shot a gun? - Yes
Skinny-dipped? - Still not
Given someone stitches? - =) Yep.
Eaten a whole habenero pepper? - No
Ridden a surfboard? - Tried to would be more to the point.
Drunk straight from a liquor bottle? - Yes
Had surgery? - No
Streaked? - At home, between my bedroom and the bathroom ?
Been taken by ambulance to a hospital? - Yes, but I was on the medical team
Tripped on mushrooms? - No
Passed out when NOT drinking? - No, but I've been close once or twice
Peed on a bush? - Yes
Donated Blood? - Yes
Grabbed electric fence? - Yes
Eaten alligator meat? - No
Eaten cheesecake? - Yes
Killed an animal when not hunting? - If you count the snails I accidentally step on every morning...
Peed your pants in public? - Once, but they made me laugh.
Snuck into a movie without paying? - No
Written graffiti? - No
Still love someone you shouldn't? - Yes, for a time
Think about the future? - Yes
Been in handcuffs? - No
Believe in love? - Yes
Sleep on a certain side of the bed? - Yes, mine :)
That's funny to think I can now afford to lose time doing stupid memes when a few weeks ago it was a struggle to get dressed before 11 am :)