A meme

May 02, 2009 14:40

I saw this one in footpad's journal and I actually like it so...

Pick five people in your friends list and write something about them, without naming them, and see if they can recognize themselves =)

* I admire the vastness of your knowledge, especially since it's not usual at all. I sometimes wonder if there's anything you can't do. It mustn't always be a piece of cake, being you, but it must be a pretty interesting life to be lived.

* You're a super-woman. Somehow you must have a time demultiplyer hidden somewhere, or you're just a super-hero although you claim you are not. There is no other possibility. You're so strong that even your confessed flaws make you look stronger in my eyes.

* You're a monument of big reassuring calmness and friendship, the proof that good things and good men exist in this world. I'm glad you're here.

* I was really shy at first, I almost felt like I was spying on your LJ with no real right to be there, but your kindness put and end to it. I'm really glad I got to know you.

* A funny thing, this internet. Because without it we'd probably ignore everything of each other's existence, and still sometimes I feel you're closer than family. Go figure.

(As I'm proofreading myself, I realize some statements can be true for several people. All the better :)
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