Meme !

Oct 15, 2008 14:18

A is for age: 32
B is for beer of choice: Right now, I'd love a Blanche de Bruges with some lime, but it'll have to wait.
C is for career right now: Hospital pediatrician. Still. :)
D is for your dog's name: No dog here.
E is for essential item you use everyday: Moisturizing body lotion. Keeps the itching away and hopefully the stretch marks too.
F is for favorite TV show: That would be Scrubs, but there are some others I like too.
G is for favorite game to watch: Video game :) Well, I don't go to games that often, but I like to watch and comment when P. plays.
H is for Home town: Lyon, not really home but the town I spent the most time in, and where I did my studies.
I is for instruments you play: None. I used to learn piano, but never went very far.
J is for favorite juice: Orange ? No real favorite, it just depends on my mood.
K is for whose butt you'd like to be kicking: None today but yesterday evening I had a strong urge to kick the Leche League Woman's butt (listen, I understand and even promote breastfeeding, but for people's sake be a little practical, please ! Things that work in Africa or Japan won't necessarily be possible in modern France !)
L is for last place you ate at: Home ? Hospital ? Or if you mean restaurant, that would be "Heureux comme Alexandre".
M is for marriage: One day, maybe =)
N is for your name: My last name puzzles or amuses most of my patients.
O is for overnight hospital stay: I didn't count them :) A rough guess would be around 250-280.
P is for people you were with today: P. this morning, then my colleagues, nurses, patients, interns. Meeting my obgyn later this afternoon.
Q is for what's your best quality: Listening ? (This one's hard to answer)
R is for what are you currently reading: Tha amber spyglass, third book of the Philipp Pullman trilogy.
S is for relationship status: In love, pacsed, pregnant. Pretty stable I'd say, as long as those things can be stable :)
T is for time you woke up today: 7.07 am. Much too early to my taste.
U is for the type of underwear you have on: Simple cotton, large (!) and clean (!!) (See about obgyn above).
V is for vegetable you love: I don't think I really /love/ any vegetable. Except if you consider potatoes as vegetables.
W is for worst habits: Leaving a little of everything I ate on my plate. I don't see why it's wrong but I've been told repeatedly it's very very wrong =)
X is for x-rays you've had recently: None, hopefully (I hide myself during x-rays :) Last was an x-ray of my right hand, which I had violently smashed against a wall while working...
Y is for something candy: Actually, I feel like I could use some chocolate right now.
Z is for zodiac sign: Virgo. So pure and innocent.


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