May 19, 2005 20:02
so it was miscommunication. he said that he thought he told me just to come over but the thing is is that i didnt hear that part. oops. so he thought that i blew him off and he thought i blew him off. oh well. but i did get to see him today just for a little while. he asked me to go over tomorrow but im not doing anything. no sex. cuz that was all that happened today. i went there had sex then he had to go see his brother and sister. it seemed very weird today. i dont knwo why it just did. im going to ask him about it tomorrow when i see him. he has told me that he isnt using me so should i believe him? hmmmmm a question to wonder about.
so tomorrow we will just watch a movie. yeah im happy with that and if he isnt then it aint gonna happen between us.