Experimenting with Live Journal html

Nov 30, 2003 00:55

Working on one thing and another today.

I've gotten a bit more writing done. Talking about basic human needs;

Physical requirements vary widely depending on what people feel they are entitled to, (which seems to be largely a matter of how they are raised, and what they see the people around them enjoying.)

It really takes very little food to keep a human being alive; but being comfortable is a very different matter. This is also true of shelter, clothing, etc.

Here, once again, we run into the “comfort zone” thing.

I don’t think it necessary to belabor this point; it seems to me to be pretty obvious that people feel deprived when they can’t have what they are used to, and feel oppressed, unhappy, and ill-used when they are unable to afford what they perceive “everyone else” as having in terms of creature comfort.

This is one of the bad things about television, particularly the extremely unrealistic tv that we have in the United States. People in the average program have better food, larger houses, more spending money, nicer clothing - in short more of everything than the average person can afford. This, I feel, creates a sense of disatisfaction that is difficult to avoid.

Couple that with the endless ads extolling the virtues of expensive products, and repeatedly telling people that they should have this thing because “they are worth it,” or to “obey” one appitite or another, and you have, I feel, a receipe for discontent.

All of this, of course, is because of Marketing; an industry that was invented purely to get people to purchase things, often things that they don’t need, thereby putting money into the pockets of the people selling these things.

We have always had people who hawked their wares, and those of others. But modern marketing is another thing, and was “invented,” if you will, by a psychologist named Dr. John Watson. (More about him later.)

Since a great deal of this is simply manipulation based on logical fallicies, if you use the Critical Thinking skills we discussed in the first chapter, you can free yourself of the whole Marketing thing. There is no need to respond to it once you understand what’s going on.

This segues into a discussion of human sexuality, which is really way, way too long to post here. (Besides, I'm really experimenting with this "cut" tag, and I want to see how it works before I commit too much to it.

, if anyone is interested.

I also got a new free model posted on my site. Because it's going to be December tomorrow, it's a piece of Ribbon Candy; always my favorite kind.

Click on the picture if you want to go to the page where you can download the model.
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