Jul 16, 2008 00:14
It's funny how fitting the title of that game really is.
I can't sleep. It's so early and you're already passed out. It's kinda funny, but I don't mind, I'll just steal your internets when you aren't looking, lolcats style.
I've been really good the past week or two, but I've got this scared feeling in the pit of my stomach like something is going to go wrong.
I've been having nightmares...well I guess they are just kinda scary dreams. But last night I had a dream that someone almost killed my little sister in some sort of sick excuse for an amusement park ride. I was not amused. I know I woke up sweating and scared, and I very well may have screamed out loud. It made my whole day feel weird. A few nights before that I had one of my reoccurring dreams. The one with the mice.
That really made me nervous because I'm pretty sure the last time I had it, it was because someone I was really close to was going to up and leave. Which happened, and the dreams went away. If this happens again it's going to kill me. Especially if on some strange level, these dreams are some kind of warning. I guess it's stupid to think that your dreams are a warning that your friends are bad. LoL. The things you have to laugh at I guess.
Other than that, I guess I'm just worried about this whole...hmm.. Well I don't really know what to call it. I suppose "Arrangement" is always fairly fitting in these situations. See, because I really like him, and I think he likes me a bit too, but I just sense something, I dunno, something...Hidden?
I feel like there might be some feelings that aren't being discussed. Maybe I'm just over thinking things, I do that a lot. Or maybe it has nothing to do with me at all and it's none of my business. I'm not really sure what to think, but I guess I kind of only have two options.
A. Let things alone and see where everything falls.
B. Ask.
I don't want to over dramatize anything, because honestly I'm happy where we are at. We have fun. Nothing is too serious, which is nice because the last thing I need is a big serious relationship where both parties are in too deep and can't get out. I get to keep my apartment and I get to keep all my friends.
Really its the PERFECT arrangement. I guess maybe subconsciously I just like to think there is something wrong with every situation in my funny little life. Or maybe there's something wrong and tomorrow you'll wake up next to me and say, "I think we need to talk."
That would be just my luck wouldn't it :)