There's a New Boy :D

Nov 19, 2008 10:35

Late birthday message is late, but better late than never, right? ^ ^;

Happy Birthday rions!!! :D
Hope you achieve all of your dreams in your life! ^ ^

Phew! Finally, that stinky midterm exams are completely over! Now I can catch up what I've been missing out lately. I want to wade through all of my flists journal entries that I haven't got the time to read before, and finally I've put some meaningful update to my DA account! OMG -_-;; I've been neglecting it for months!
Though maybe it could take quite a long time, it's raining hard everyday in Bandung and somehow my internet connection is getting slower whenever the rain come...and after the rain has passed it's still acting the same way -_-;;

So, exams are over and my friends and I decided to "celebrate" it by going for lunch at Bumbu Desa, a famous Sundanese Restaurant in town, dude are they expensive!! DD8 But for some "special" occasion, why not? ^ ^ We (all girls) are ordering lots of stuff (mostly contains squids, we love squids) and eating like madmen, apparently pouring out all of our stresses into the foods, lol. When we're finally done, I noticed a group of men on the next table are looking at us in amazement as we're moving out to the exit, leaving behind piles of "remaining" on our table. I don't know if I should be ashamed or amused. XD
Next we're going to the nearest coffee shop and ordering cakes and coffee for dessert.


There's a new occupant in our boarding house, a 3 months old Siberian Husky named Max Corleon! (Corleon is the courtesy of my boarding friend, Ocha) He's a gift to Chika (another boarding friend) from her boyfriend. Since he got some round spot on his eyes like a mask, we originally wanted to name him "Zorro", but Chika's boyfriend rejected it for some reason, and named him "Max" instead, what the...?!? So typical! ):<

Look at him, isn't he cute~~!!! <333 His eyes got different colors, the right is brown while the left is bright blue, so unique!!! OMG *brb fangirling this dog.*
She's Chika, the original owner, face mosaic-ed, we don't want creepy stalker. XDD

Now Leon is the junior of our first non-human occupant in our boarding house, Rosco, a hyperactive 1 year old rabbit that loves to shit everywhere -_-;; (that's why he's often grounded in a cage).

He's also cute~~ <3 when he's calm like that.

Being held by Jacko, another boarding friend of mine ^ ^ (FYI, there are currently 25 residents in our boarding house, 11 girls in 2nd floor and 14 boys in lower floor), also mosaic-ed.
I actually really REALLY want to own a cat, a HUGE cat like maine coon or norwegian forest cat, but my parents and my friends would kill me for that. T_T

Okay then, time to go to class, now.

Ps: sukiyakiya, let's talk about the collab again ;D

boarding house, random, animal, birthday, life

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